

“No time to say hello, good-bye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.” My house looks like a bomb went off in it! So I need to make a date to clean today…..and I need a normal week with not much else going on. I thought I would get around to blog visiting when I got […]

Filled Under: Home



A busy week, and I think everyone seems to be having those lately! A quick recap of things we’ve had going on. * We need rain! * Oldest son broke his wrist….playing church basketball! He has a cast that he’ll have to wear from 2-6 weeks and I think it’s hampering him from doing a […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



“oh what can it mean” I’m cheering up for a couple of reasons today I hope. * In a bit I’m taking the last of those dumb pills I’ve been taking for 10 days! I’m SO ready to be over with those.. they worked out really great the first few days. Took all my pain […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



I am a BAREFOOT kind of girl! Always have been….I go barefoot around the house all the time, outside too and love it. I sit with my feet and legs curled up under me and I get down on the floor to cut out fabric and do some sewing things. All of which I’ve decided […]

Filled Under: Home



I can’t seem to find the time to post or blog visit. So a quick list it is for today! * We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie over the weekend…..enjoyed it pretty much and thought it was a typical Indy movie and kinda fun. A few things toward the end were a […]

Filled Under: Home



“They give us the greens of summers” I can think of nothing to post about, so pictures seem to be what I fall back on…but that works most days doesn’t it? I believe I’m avoiding the sewing I so desperately need to finish. Now maybe I can get back to it. Click through for some […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



“….I’ll show you everything” It’s been a while! I didn’t mean to be gone that long but sometimes there’s just too many other things going on. Two of my four kids came home last weekend for a visit and it happened to be both girls. There’s always lots to do if other people are around […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



“tuppence a bag” I love to have bird feeders out and watch the birds come by to eat……I don’t like the squirrels so one of my feeders is a squirrel proof one! Recently I bought a thistle feeder for finches and it happens to be sort of a sock looking tube thing which I’d not […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



Oh my… baby Henry decided to be born during the night two weeks early! That was about a week before they would have induced but he’s here and they are all doing good from what I can tell on the phone. I haven’t seen him yet, nor any pictures. Right now he’s sleeping a lot, […]

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I was reminded of this song when I watched Idol the other night and that is probably my favorite version of it. It was used on a tv show a few years ago, pretend points if you remember which one! (doctor show is my hint) The song really has nothing to do with the random […]

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Usually about a week into March I remember what I don’t just love about this month……the wind! I used to always hear this saying about March; in like a lion, out like a lamb. It’s been no different this year than any other and the past couple of days it’s been just INCREDIBLY windy here. […]

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“oh what a beautiful day” I hope your day was as pretty as ours was here in the south….really nice out today! I walked this morning so that almost always makes my day better even though I still don’t love it. We spent several hours at the clinic again today for hubby to get another […]

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I spent yesterday afternoon at the clinic with hubby…….he got sick last weekend, tried to see a doctor on Monday but they were so busy they just never answered the phone. He went to work in TN and had a prescription for tamiflu called in to him there but by the time he got home […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



“let it snow, let it snow, let it snow” Not a big deal for most of you but in the South snow is almost always a big event for us, and in March even! We got snow on Friday afternoon into the evening, maybe an inch or 2 in all. I didn’t think it would […]

Filled Under: Home



Yesterday I thought I might try to go through some of the things in my closet and get them out… it seems I’ve read that you should always throw something away if you’re bringing something new in. There’s my problem, I seem to bring plenty of things in without getting rid of something else! And […]

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