

“….I’ll show you everything

It’s been a while! I didn’t mean to be gone that long but sometimes there’s just too many other things going on. Two of my four kids came home last weekend for a visit and it happened to be both girls. There’s always lots to do if other people are around here, plus one of them has 2 of the wee ones so that makes it quite lively at my house! And all 4 of my kids blessed me last week for Mother’s day, they’re so sweet.
The oldest one and his crew sent me these….

Gorgeous! I have loved having them around to look at and thought the colors were so pretty. Daughter K that was here with her family gave me this on Sunday morning. I had seen hers and been wanting one so she got it for me, how fun!

Other daughter got me a candle, which smells just divine. And this pretty blue bracelet….I’ll have to wear it before she comes again because I noticed while the girls were here that they both raided my drawer and wore some of my jewelry! I’m kinda proud to have something anyone would want to wear.

The last child is the one gone off to the wilds of Alaska! He called and I got to talk to him on the phone. While we were helping him bring some stuff home to store he pulled out a coffee grinder with 2 bags of beans and told me it was for mother’s day! We broke it in and enjoyed coffee last weekend as well.

I spent some time playing with these guys too…….

Then I got sick the day they all left so I have mostly laid around the remainder of the week! My google reader has gotten really full so hopefully I can visit around over the next day or so and get that taken care of. And there’s still some sewing I need to finish, burps for gifts and a blanket. If I can get those tended to I have more pictures of the babies to post, along with the sewing maybe!
Hope your week is off to a good start.

12 Responses to ““With arms wide open…””

  1. Debi Says:

    Oh my goodness…isn’t that just the perfect picture to end your post! What a little doll baby! So glad you had such a wonderful weekend…you certainly deserved it! But I’m so sorry you spent the rest of the week under the weather! Hope you’re feeling back at 100% now, and have a much better week this go round!

  2. Claire Says:

    I LOVE tulips! What fun. I know you were glad to see your girls and those grandbabies. What a great weekend…except the getting sick part.

  3. Stacy Says:

    Great pictures! I’m glad the girls got to come home, and look at Sam, he’s gotten so big since I saw him last 🙂 Fun stuff they gave you, glad you had a good Mother’s Day 🙂

  4. annie Says:

    You got really cool gifts! Love that purse.

  5. Dawn P Says:

    What precious pictures! Love the tullips but have to admit…that purse…I’m sooo jealous! That’s a cool purse you got! Looks like you had a great Mother’s Day!

  6. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Says:

    What a wonderful week for you (except the sick part). The flowers are beautiful. I love tulips. Glad you had such a special mother’s day!

  7. dianne Says:

    Cute cute. All of it. JEwelry. Purse. Babies!

  8. Tammy Says:

    Oh wow, Gail…first of all, I missed you!
    And second of all, what wonderful Mother’s Day gifts you received…I love them all!
    Adorable pics of you and the grandchildren, too! 😀

  9. jen Says:

    I have certainly missed you. I enjoy our chats. I love the purse. I have one in yellow….can you believe that? I haven’t carried it yet.
    I’m so glad you got to enjoy your kids. I’m all about the coffee grinder..we are thinking of buying one of those. Hope you are feeling well. I finally got over mine..Miller is in allergy world right now though, so hopefully he will be getting better soon.
    Your babies are adorable.

  10. Kim Says:

    What beautiful flowers and wonderful gifts! You are loved and your grand babies are soooo precious. You are so lucky to have the time to sew for them too–I hope to be able to sew again someday!

  11. Sonya Says:

    These kids get cuter each time you post their pictures! Hope you had a wonderful time! Love that purse! I need me one of those!

  12. Robinznest Says:

    It sounds like you have such a full and happy life! It’s so wonderful that you enjoy these days full of family and love. It just doesn’t get any better! And you certainly don’t look old enough to be those kids grandmother!

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