

A busy week, and I think everyone seems to be having those lately! A quick recap of things we’ve had going on. * We need rain! * Oldest son broke his wrist….playing church basketball! He has a cast that he’ll have to wear from 2-6 weeks and I think it’s hampering him from doing a […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



“oh what can it mean” I’m cheering up for a couple of reasons today I hope. * In a bit I’m taking the last of those dumb pills I’ve been taking for 10 days! I’m SO ready to be over with those.. they worked out really great the first few days. Took all my pain […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



It was a beautiful weekend here, perfect weather so hubby and his friend chased that elusive golf ball both days! I sewed on Saturday while they played in a tournament all day, a benefit with the money going to the cancer society. Sunday after church the girls rode with them so our friends could take […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Friends



A few weeks back when E was home one weekend we went to a chinese place for lunch. They always bring fortune cookies when we’re done, which Don and I hardly ever look at…..he doesn’t like them much and I think the fortunes are never really fortunes. E opened hers and read it and told […]

Filled Under: For Fun



“tuppence a bag” I love to have bird feeders out and watch the birds come by to eat……I don’t like the squirrels so one of my feeders is a squirrel proof one! Recently I bought a thistle feeder for finches and it happens to be sort of a sock looking tube thing which I’d not […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Home



Stacy and I went shopping this past Saturday while some of the guys played golf. They actually got back to her house before we did and when we drove up we noticed that it looked like nothing but trucks around! With the price of gas you’d think some of us would drive something else, but […]

Filled Under: Family, For Fun



We spent the day in Jackson Saturday, the boys played golf and I shopped with Stacy. Afterwards we ordered pizza and watched Memphis in their basketball game! Someone commented about one of the players and how he’d probably be going pro soon, after this season is over maybe; and he’s a freshman. So I commented […]

Filled Under: For Fun



We had a little bit of a low key day for Easter, which was probably good since the sickness has been abundant at our house lately. Daughter Elizabeth had her spring break last week, spent some time in Jackson and then got here on Thursday. She studied some, slept some and then helped me go […]

Filled Under: Family, For Fun



A couple of days ago I posted a movie quote meme and y’all have gotten almost all of the answers! You did good. 🙂 No one has guessed #2, “What did you do, wake up this morning and say, “Today, I’m going to ruin a man’s life?” That line comes from Romancing the Stone; a […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Movies



My sis Stacy and her hubby Tim are the computer experts around here! I’ve been visiting them for a day or so, shopping is always on my agenda when I’m here! But I also forced talked Tim into helping me a little bit last night on working with gimp, which I’d downloaded to my computer. […]

Filled Under: Family, For Fun



I saw this meme at Lauren’s and Karen’s last night, missed getting to play so I knew I had to play along by posting one of my own! I’m having a hard time picking just 10 movies though. Here are the rules: 1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies. 2. Go to IMDb and find […]

Filled Under: For Fun, Movies



“I like toast and jam” Yesterday while going through some papers to toss I found something that was a bit interesting to me. I get newsletters every couple of months from the county home extension office and a paragraph about colored bread ties caught my attention. I don’t buy a lot of sliced bread anymore […]



I’ve wanted to use that line for the longest time! (Oooh, another good one that I must use later!) I just love a red door, I see them from time to time and usually really like them. When I walk through town instead of at the track I’ve seen this one that I think looks […]

Filled Under: For Fun



“the mice will play” Hubby had to work in TN this week so I decided to go visit sis Stacy and “play” at her house… which for me usually means shopping! I did do some reading, we watched tv a bit and Stacy & Tim got a couple of things working on my computer because […]

Filled Under: Family, For Fun



Today I wonder……. *if I’m the only one who might write a great post in my head… while driving down the road, shopping in the store, in the shower but when I get home to put it down, it never comes out the right way or the way I thought it might. I might have […]

Filled Under: For Fun