Oh we are big fans of the Olympics around here! Been looking forward to 08/08/08 for a while now and are getting the dvr ready to go. I love most everything about it but really get into the stories and profiles they do of the athletes. Then I get interested in seeing how they do once I know some back story or history on them. We even watched a movie last week that hubby thought was a good “pre-Olympics” warm up! I married a runner and all the kids have been runners to; I love to watch them but have never been bitten by that bug myself. Liz and I have been hearing bits of trivia in all the “pregame shows” and looking stuff up to find out more about it so I decided to post a few trivia questions for your enjoyment…..although it’s probably more for my enjoyment! Click through to see them and tell me your answers in the comments……….pretend points if you do. 😆
1. What country is first in line during the opening ceremony’s Parade of Nations?
a-the host city b-the country with the most medals from the last Olympics c-there is no order d-Greece
2. What do the five interlinked Olympic rings on the Flag represent?
3. During the opening ceremony, doves are released. What do they symbolize?
4. What is the length of an Olympic swimming pool?
a-25 meters b-50 meters c-100 meters d-150 meters
5. How many miles is a modern day marathon?
a-22 b-24 c-26 d-28
6. What year was the 1st modern Olympics games held?
a-1896 b-1906 c-1912 d-1892
7. In which city was the first modern games held?
a-Amsterdam b-Paris c-London d-Athens
8. At the 1972 Munich Olympics how many gold medals did Mark Spitz win?
I know lots of you weren’t born then but you will probably hear this talked about a lot because of Michael Phelps swimming this time)
a-5 b-7 c-6 d-4
Bonus: This is sorta obscure, before your time and I don’t really expect anyone to know it. But it relates to something we saw recently and is just the kind of thing my running people like! Liz would know it but not sure she’ll be online this weekend to answer! Take a stab if you like.
Who finished in 4th place in the 5000m run at the 1972 games in Munich?
a-Lasse Viren b-Frank Shorter c-Steve Prefontaine d-Bill Rodgers
Talk amongst yourselves and leave me some answers in comments!
Got any good Olympic trivia for me?
August 8th, 2008 at 3:37 pm
1. What country is first in line during the opening ceremony’s Parade of Nations?
a-the host city b-the country with the most medals from the last Olympics c-there is no order d-Greece
2. What do the five interlinked Olympic rings on the Flag represent? The five interlocking rings represent five continents or major geographical areas of the world. The five main regions: Africa, the Americas (North and South America are combined), Asia, Europe and Oceania.
3. During the opening ceremony, doves are released. What do they symbolize? Peace amongst us all
4. What is the length of an Olympic swimming pool?
a-25 meters b-50 meters c-100 meters d-150 meters
5. How many miles is a modern day marathon?
a-22 b-24 c-26 d-28
not sure….26
6. What year was the 1st modern Olympics games held?
a-1896 b-1906 c-1912 d-1892
I thought it was 1859
7. In which city was the first modern games held?
a-Amsterdam b-Paris c-London d-Athens
8. At the 1972 Munich Olympics how many gold medals did Mark Spitz win? 7 gold
I know lots of you weren’t born then but you will probably hear this talked about a lot because of Michael Phelps swimming this time)
a-5 b-7 c-6 d-4
B 7
Bonus: This is sorta obscure, before your time and I don’t really expect anyone to know it. But it relates to something we saw recently and is just the kind of thing my running people like! Liz would know it but not sure she’ll be online this weekend to answer! Take a stab if you like.
Who finished in 4th place in the 5000m run at the 1972 games in Munich?a-Lasse Viren b-Frank Shorter c-Steve Prefontaine d-Bill Rodgers guessing…..D
This was fun…i ran track the 100 m in highschool and won several medals….memories.
August 8th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
I’m clueless :)… but matt sure is excited about watching tonight!
August 8th, 2008 at 7:36 pm
We just sat down to watch the opening ceremonies. Here are my answers:
First, I’m not positive about most of these answers, but here goes.
1. D (Greece)
2. The rings represent the 5 continents.
3. Doves represent peace.
4. The pool is 100 meters long. (just guessing)
5. A marathon is 26 miles.
6. First modern Olympics was in 1912.
7. It was held in Athens.
8. Mark Spitz won 7 gold medals. (I do remember this!)
Bonus question: Frank Shorter
August 9th, 2008 at 2:52 pm
I’m so totally guessing on most of these. I love the summer Olmpics especially because of gymnastics. So nest time add some gymnastics questions!:)
1. a. Host country
2. I know I’ve heard this but I can’t remember
3. Peace
4. b. 50 meters
5.c. 26 (the only one I’m sure of)
6. c. 1912
7. d. Athens
8. c. 6
Bonus: b. Frank Shorter (the name stood out)
August 9th, 2008 at 7:05 pm
Those olympic ceremonies were AWESOME! I loved the part where they had the vertical boxes and then popped the flowers out. That was amazing.
August 11th, 2008 at 10:15 am
When are you going to post the answers? I know several of them, but not sure of a few. I know some of these from a movie I loved, I can’t remember the name of it, but it was about Pierre de Coubertin (sp??), the founder of the modern Olympics. I learned a lot in that movie about both the ancient olympics and the modern games. “The way of the amateur”. 🙂
August 11th, 2008 at 2:37 pm
Ok I have no clue but I’m curious as to the answers 🙂
August 14th, 2008 at 10:56 am
I have so been watching these games…especially swimming and girls gymnastics. Is the answer for Mark Spitz 8? I think the commentaries were mentioning this…I SO remember him and his name was so famous when I was a kid!
August 14th, 2008 at 7:33 pm
I don’t have time for the triva but I’ll come back when I have more time. I love the Olympics too. We are big swimmers and my kids could swim before they could walk. They even swam competively from ages 5-20. We are a big Phelps Phan! Thanks for the post and I hope you enjoy every minute of the games.