

Years ago I had starter and made sourdough bread every week….the kids loved it I think. When we went through a kitchen/house remodel a few years ago, the starter died and I just never did get around to getting more. But a few months ago a friend gave me some and I have really been into making bread again. Rita and I went to Jackson a couple of weeks ago and while in Sam’s we found huge 25 lb bags of bread flour so we each bought one! I think that might come under the category of “What was I thinking”!

The bag seemed even bigger when I got it home and I wondered once if it had been a mistake. But I divided it up and put some into a cannister to use in the kitchen and put the rest in freezer ziplocks and put it in my big freezer. I know it will get used now that I’m doing bread every week again. I had forgotten how much we enjoy that bread and how good it is!
This is what my big bag of flour looked like when I got it home:

And this is what I baked this week, wheat bread:

3 Responses to “Bread”

  1. Suzanne Says:

    that is the biggest bag I have ever seen…….yes, what were you thinking………with no kids at home……whew!!

  2. Stacy Says:

    Nah, flour freezes great. She’ll go through that in no time! 🙂 I need to get back into bread making, there’s nothing like homemade bread right out of the oven with butter on it. Or Gail’s sourdough, that stuff is like cake, it’s so good! 🙂

  3. Amanda Says:

    That’s a BIG bag of flour….I wouldn’t know what to do with that much flour. 🙂

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