

“A purple sky to close the day, I wade the surf where dolphins play, The taste of salt, the dance of waves…And my soul wells up with hallelujahs

I was listening to this on my ipod yesterday while walking and remembered this picture I’d taken a little while back. It’s not great photography because it’s through my window while I was zipping down the highway one evening on the way home. If it shows up, it is sort of purple and neat with the shadow or streak through the sky! I’m basically at a loss today for something to write, so it’s a picture instead.

12 Responses to ““A Purple Sky to Close the Day””

  1. Stacy Says:

    Very cool shot! Did you take this while YOU were driving or was D driving? I hope you were a passenger?! 🙂

    And I love that transmission line in the background, ah, such happy memories. Not!

  2. Dawn Says:

    LOL @ Stacy’s comment. I may or may not have taken photos while driving before… 😉

  3. Bev Says:

    Beautiful picture. I’m with Stacy though. I hope you weren’t behind the wheel. 😉

  4. Robin Says:

    Beautiful – and I love that song too!

  5. Carrie Says:

    Wow, that’s beautiful!!

  6. Rochelle Says:

    Cool pic… and once, I took a pic of the Arch while driving through downtown St Loius. It wasn’t safe, and I tried to fight the urge to do it… that was before digital cams too. I think I still have the picture. But of course, I would never do that again. 🙂

  7. Suzanne Says:

    Love the pic!

  8. jen Says:


  9. CoachJ Says:

    Ok. What song is that? It takes me back to our beach trip a month ago, and my soul really did well up with hallelujahs. How anyone can see the ocean, and that sky, and not praise the Creator is beyond me!

  10. Shawna Says:

    That’s beautiful. I’m having trouble finding a topic, too.

  11. kreed Says:

    Great picture. And escpecially impressive for a highway shot!

  12. Karen Says:

    There’s beauty everywhere. That’s a great shot.

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