

Last Sunday before Kathryn had the baby I was able to go to morning church with them. They’ve had a little bit of a struggle finding a church that felt right for them since they’ve been in Charlotte. The first one they went to for quite a while but decided they needed something a little bigger with more couples their age in it. They tried several over the last year and have gone back to one that they visited first. It’s a pretty big, newer church with contemporary music and services; Kathryn has joined a Bible study during the week where she can meet some other moms with little children. The children’s minister at this church is Marcy Walker, she played a character on the show All My Children and lives in Charlotte now doing church work. She was at the desk when we took Katelyn in to register for the nursery and was greeting people as well. I sort of know who this actress is but it’s not a show I watch,. I think sis Stacy watches sometimes though. Just kind of an interesting tidbit of info!
I always enjoy getting to go with my kids to their churches, I get something totally different than what I get at home! I wore blue jeans when I went, not something I’d do at home…pants yes but not jeans. But I liked it and felt comfortable. The music is a lot more contemporary than at home, a fair size band leading worship. I grew up with very traditional church and now live in a small rural town that’s still pretty much the same way. It’s not the “little brown church in the vale”! It seems to be what attracts younger people today, something more laid back with upbeat music where you don’t have to dress up but can come as you are. I think bigger cities must have a lot of churches like that. I was glad I got to go with them to see the church, Katelyn in the nursery and hear the pastor……it’s good to see something that’s not like anything we have at home. I think I could get used to having services like that to attend but in my hometown, it will probably never happen in my lifetime! I hope they’ve found a place that fits them.

(I never knew this song til I married Don and heard him singing it years ago!)

11 Responses to ““The Little Brown Church in the Vale””

  1. Nancy Carson Says:

    A great big welcome to Sam! I love the pictures and Katelyn is just precious too. It sounds like your NC visit is very busy and tiring. It is hard to be a “new mom” again now that we are grandmom age, hehe! But hang it there is sounds like fun, I hope you have enough energy to last through your visit. At least the weather has been cooler along with the beautiful carolina blue sky.

    I love The Little Brown Church in the Vale! Believe it or not, we sang it at school, in a music class when I was in in 7th grade. I doubt things like that happen in the public school now days.

    Enjoy your visit!

  2. annie Says:

    I watched AMC when I was a teenager and remember her!
    How fun. In our efforts to find a new church we visited many and settled on a smaller family oriented church. I like the bigger ones too though. Sounds like a fun service.

  3. Sonya Says:

    I remember Marcy from Santa Barbara. I like traditional churches very well. These more modern “comfortable” churches are just not my cup of tea. Lots of people enjoy them though and I’m glad your daughter and her family have found a place to call home.

  4. Becky Says:

    How fun is that. I used to watch AMC when I was in college and a very, very young mom. Then real life took over and I have not seen it for 25 years. But enough to know she was a character. That is too funny. I love to see God get a hold of a life.

  5. Stacy Says:

    Umm, what do you mean “Stacy watches sometime”??? I’ve only been watching All My Children regularly for over 30 years now. I’d call that more than sometime, and yes, I would be a bit tongue-tied if I saw Marcy Walker at church. I’ve watched her for years and years on AMC. Glad you got to go with them 🙂

  6. Dawn Says:

    It took me a while to find the right church for me after I moved to Florida too. I was raised very traditionally, and that is the type of service that feels most worshipful to me. However, down here, it seems *all* the services are more contemporary. I finally found one about a year ago. It suits me perfectly. They have three services: one that is contemporary, one that is traditional, and one that is “blended” & a good mix of the two. I go to the traditional worship service, and I am surprised how many people my own age do as well!

  7. JennaG Says:

    How fun to get to visit your children’s church. I know they are so glad that you are able to be with them–our church is somewhat contemporary, but not huge–we have around 350 total on any given Sunday. I grew up in tiny churches, however. Sometimes, I miss that.

  8. jen Says:

    Marcy Walker is actually from Paducah where I live…she graduated from a rival school of mine. I did not know she was a minister though. I hope your kids love the church finding one can be so discouraging at times…it took Scott and I 4 years to find the one church we felt at home in…..

  9. Shawna Says:

    I’ve noticed we visit a lot of the same gals so thought I would swing over.

    There’s one church in our town that has been rumored to allow goers to even wear pajamas. They don’t have church pews either, just chairs around tables — that way you can eat while listening to the preacher.

    I remember Marcy. I probably wouldn’t have recognized her on the spot though.

  10. Coach J Says:

    I remember her from Santa Barbara 🙂 How cool is that! 🙂
    And, their service sounds wonderful. I’m hoping that our church will gravitate to an even more casual atmosphere. We just added a coffee bar a few weeks ago; now I hope jeans will be in order. I’ve worn them a couple of times anyway (yes, I am a rebel) when I just didn’t feel good in anything else. Sometimes just making it to church is top priority-not what you look like when you get there.
    Come on over-I have something for you. 🙂

  11. Coach J Says:

    OK, your blog makes me realize how many smiley faces I use. I wish I knew how to do a blushing one {blush, blush}

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