

I got to go with Shanna yesterday when she took the kids to get haircuts! Grayson has been quite a few times before but it was a first for Ava Clair. We went to a cute place that does just cuts for kids. They have chairs or trucks for them to sit in and they could pick a movie or dvd to watch while they were getting their hair done. Ava Clair is a little like my Elizabeth was……didn’t have much hair when born and what comes in is wispy and thin. So it’s so hard to get it cut because it has taken so long to get any at all. My mother in law always told me that if we’d keep Elizabeth’s cut it would look thicker. Ava Clair didn’t get a whole lot cut off but got it shaped up with a few bangs in it and it looks a bit thicker now. She looked really cute! And Grayson wanted his cut like a “reptile”! That little guy loves dinosaurs, reptiles and such! So he got a summer cut that they can use some gel or product on if he wants to get it to “stick up” a bit, and he wanted it like that yesterday! It was fun to go with them. Click below for some pics.

Ava Clair getting a hair cut while driving her little truck!

and after she’s all done:

Here’s a couple of Grayson:

Fun times! More pictures later.

8 Responses to ““Gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair…””

  1. Stacy Says:

    Cute! You got to be there for her first haircut, awww, that’s sweet 🙂

    I believe I do see a little reptilian action going on in that last picture too, hehehehe!

    Great pictures 🙂

  2. Debi Says:

    Oh, are they not just the absolute cutest?!! My Gray just told me over the weekend that he wants his hair cut spikey. Think he’s gonna have to go to a pro for that one, cuz this mommy just doesn’t know how to do “spikey”!

  3. kreed Says:

    What cute kids! And that is a great “reptile” cut!

  4. Carrie Says:

    Awww, how adorable they are! Love the request for a reptile cut! Too cute!

    I used to take my girls to a place called Cartoon Cuts. Looks alot like the place y’all went. I wish they had a place like that when I was a little girl!

  5. Susanne Says:

    Don’t they look spiffy with their new cuts! Too cute!

  6. Becky Says:

    Hi! Thanks for visiting me. I came by to see what was going on here and got to see these adorable kids. I think Grayson looks just like a T Rex. And a handsome one at that 🙂

    Have a safe trip home.

  7. Karen Says:

    There’s nothing so cute as a little boy with a fresh new haircut. He’s so handsome!

  8. Suzanne Says:

    Grayson just doesn’t look the same with that new haircut!!

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Filled Under: Family, For Fun