

I had a birthday party to attend this weekend for a sweet little three year old girl! I had been thinking for a while that I would drive but wasn’t thrilled to make an almost 9 hour drive by myself. It’s hard for Don to get away this time of the year because they’re so busy at work……if he flies he can make a quick trip, not miss too much work and still get home to teach his class. So we flew to Texas for the party! When we landed he said, “that hour flight beats driving any day!” He might be right. He’s already gone back home and is trying to get reorganized for the upcoming work week.
I’m going to church today with my kids, possibly some errands later, and a bit more visiting to do. I think Ava Clair has a follow up dentist appointment to check up on the tooth that got knocked loose and bonded back in. I will get to keep Grayson during that time. My flight home is in a couple of days and then hopefully I can visit all my blog friends. Bible school starts in about a week and I was supposed to bring my teacher’s book with me to read through and prepare and I can’t find it, so it might be a bit hectic when I do get back.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend and I’ll try to check in later if I can!

8 Responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane”

  1. Debi Says:

    Oh, I’m so glad you were able to go spend this time with your family! And I can’t wait to see pictures of those adorable grandkiddos when you get home! Enjoy!

  2. Carrie Says:

    How fun! So glad you hopped on the plane and went! Enjoy your time with your family!!

  3. Stacy Says:

    Give AC and Grayson a big kiss for me! Post some pictures when you can, from the party and just hanging out. And have fun 🙂

  4. Mandalyn Says:

    I agree….flying is so much better than driving on a trip like that! I hope you had a wonderful time!!

  5. CoachJ Says:

    How cool to have the option of driving or flying. I hope when I get older, I’ll have the option, too. I’ve never flown. But hopefully that will change soon. I’m glad you got to go be with family, enjoy!

  6. annie Says:

    Have a great time away Gail! We’ll all be here when you return.

  7. amy Says:

    Hope you had a great time..YOu certainly stay busy..I love the books you have listed!

  8. kreed Says:

    Sounds like you a way busy, but that you enjoyed your trip – that’s great! And flying does beat driving – I always forget that until I actually fly and get there in a fraction of the time!

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