

I was tagged by Coach J for this meme to tell 7 random things about myself! I’ve done something very similar before and it’s hard to think of new things to use so some of this won’t be new to you. After checking out the people that Coach J tagged I saw that Annie had written things that I could have said, so some of mine will be the same as hers. Check out her place if you haven’t read her before, it’s worth it to hear Healing Rain by Michael W. Smith…..I love that video!

Because I know your day wouldn’t be complete without this 😉
1. I love to go barefoot in my house……it’s a bad habit I know and I think my feet are paying for it now but I’ve always been that way.
2. I live about 90 miles from the closest Target but I almost have to go every time I go to Jackson! Stacy and I go down all the aisles looking for clearance items at the end!
3. Didn’t get my ears pierced until I was way grown up and married……got them done about 5 or so years ago I think.
4. I love to dip stuff in mayo, like fries when I eat them!
5. Didn’t have a pet when I was growing up…..hubby thinks I was deprived.
6. I drive my car (suburban) almost everywhere we go……..Don likes me to drive and I hate getting my seat readjusted by someone else doing the driving!
7. I play handbells at church……can’t really read music but I mark all my notes and count it out! I enjoy it but they would do better with someone that knows music better.

I’m supposed to tag 7 people but don’t know if I know that many that will do this!
Here’s a few people, come on and play along!
Debi, Stacy, Judi, Kim and if you’re reading this, you’re tagged!
Let me know so I can come read yours!

12 Responses to “7 Things Meme”

  1. Coach J Says:

    Great job! I think the handbell thing is really cool, especially since you can’t read music. And I would like to drive my hubby around since he goes the speed limit (or lower) but he just won’t let me. (It could be that I speed and scare him to death.)

  2. Suzanne Says:

    Yes, you were deprived as a child…… sad…..

  3. Debi Says:

    Doesn’t Stacy dip stuff in mayo too? A family thing, perhaps? I love listening to handbells…how cool that you play! And I’ll be you do a wonderful job!
    Okay…I’m off to try to think of seven things, but I fear it shall be awfully boring!

  4. JennaG Says:

    Coach J tagged me too! You do have a lot in common with Annie. I’m with you about Target–we’re only 65 minutes away from one though.

  5. JennaG Says:

    All artificial sweeteners upset my stomach–I haven’t heard anything good things about splenda either–there is one that is all right (they say)–but the name escapes me right now–it’s new.

  6. Kim Says:

    I have so much in common with you guys. I absolutely LOVE Target. I could wander around in there every day. When we visit my mother in law in Alabama, I always go to her SuperTarget and buy nonperishable groceries to bring back to TN with me. Pretty sad, huh?

    Are you enjoying the Katherine Valentine book?

  7. Mandalyn Says:

    That’s so neat that you play handbells at church. Do you attend a church with a large congregation?

    I love Target as well. We have one where I live and it’s great!! Don’t like mayo though!:)

    I enjoyed reading your list!!

    God Bless!

  8. Lynne Says:

    I was just doing the Scavenger hunt, and found that another blogger used song lyrics as a title for her post. Great minds think alike!

    I love going barefoot as much as I can – and I have sore feet to show for it!

  9. Stacy Says:

    OK, I think I knew all of these things! hehehe, no shocker there, right?! I’m probably going to skip this one, but thanks for tagging me. My brain is not working on any level lately to come up with something odd, random or even remotely interesting 🙂

    When are you coming back so we can go to Target? And hey, I look down all the aisles, not just the clearance stuff on the endcaps! And I take pictures with my cameraphone of book covers, because I love looking through their books. But, you knew that, didn’t you?! 🙂

  10. Dawn P Says:

    OH wow I just love handbells. How awesome it is for you to play them. Have you ever seen The Mustard Seed group perform. ( I think that’s the correct name of their group ) They are awesome and will have you in tears they are that good!

  11. Susanne Says:

    I love handbells. They sound so beautiful. I’ve been thinking on checking into a group that plays them. I love fries and mayo too!

  12. Karen Says:

    Thanx for the “open tag” on this one. I’ve seen it going around and would like to give it a try. I’ll try to post mine later today.

    I’m with you on Target! I think it’s cheaper than therapy!

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