

I’m “stealing” this from Stacy! Have seen it at several sites and it looked like something I could do. And I’ll just go ahead and tell you the song because Stacy won’t know it, I’m the only one in this family probably that listens to Frank Sinatra! Except for Kathryn and she doesn’t read this.

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? If I’m replacing the one I’m in, somewhere in a bigger city close to an airport sort of in the middle of all my kids so I can fly out different directions to visit them! If I’m getting a second house, tough choice……….maybe in the mountains (but not to live full time!), hubby wants another house on a golf course somewhere!

2.What is your favorite article of clothing? Jeans, followed closely by a velour sweat pants and jacket set.

3. Last C.D. you bought? Gosh I bet it’s been at least a year since I’ve bought a CD, the last one I remember getting was Tina Turner All the Best. I guess I should remedy this problem immediately! I’ve had my ipod over a year and mostly now I just buy individual songs instead of a whole CD.

4. Where is your favorite place to be? Maybe home, although I have lots of places I love to visit. I like to go to big cities once in a while like New York City but wouldn’t want to live there; like to go to the mountains some and the beach a little less frequently but wouldn’t want to live there either.

5. Least favorite place to be? Hmm, I guess I probably wouldn’t like being in a bar!

6. Are you strongest in mind or body? Mind

7. What time do you wake up? Usually around 6 or 6:30

8. Favorite kitchen appliance? I like my Kitchen Aid mixer but don’t use it nearly as much as microwave or dishwasher!

9. What instrument would you like to play? Piano but I always just wanted to be able to play it without putting any work into it! Guitar might be fun.

10. Favorite color? Green

11. Sports car of SUV? SUV, I drive a suburban right now.

12. Favorite children’s book? One, I can’t pick one! I love Goodnight Moon, The Velveteen Rabbit and Love You Forever to read to kids. I loved reading Nancy Drew books when I was a girl and I think I remember liking A Wrinkle in Time also.

13. Favorite season? Spring, fall would come a close second!

14. Least favorite chore? Cleaning the bathrooms, dusting

15. Favorite day? Friday maybe.

16. Favorite food? Chocolate! Although I like lots of foods.

17. Favorite drink? I mostly drink water…….french vanilla cappucino and coke once in a very blue moon!

18. Favorite word? I don’t think I have one! But I say “whatever” a lot, better work on that!

19. Favorite inspirational book? Well other than the Bible, I like Les Miserables, Zion Chronicles and Zion Covenant series by Brock & Bodie Thoene.

20. Who would you like to play you in the movie of you life? I don’t think I can honestly think of anyone!

“Tell me, honey, with a smile
I can walk you down the aisle
I won’t even need a shove
Can I steal a little love?

6 Responses to ““Can I Steal a Little Love””

  1. deb Says:

    I may have to do this one when I get a chance. My fave children’s book is The Velveteen Rabbit. My husband bought a copy for me last year after he read on my weblog how much that book meant to me. My grandmother read it to me 🙂

    Have a great day, Gail!

  2. Stacy Says:

    Oh, yeah, you played! Loved reading your answers, and I must say that {{surprise,surprise}}, I knew most of this about you and would have expected these kinds of answers. You totally stumped me with the song title and lyrics, of course. Frank Sinatra ain’t my kinda music! 🙂

    I almost answered “whatever” for my word I say a lot, but realized I probably talk to Beau more than saying that!

  3. Barb Says:

    Except for the chocolate, I would have answered a lot of these just the way you did. And if Rob had anything to do with it, we’d definitely live on a golf course. Me? A shack on the beach, any beach, anywhere. Of course. LOL

  4. Suzanne Says:

    Come see me I live near the 3rd largest city in the USA…..a clean New York, I like to say.
    Color Purple coming, April. Jersey Boys in October, Ms. Broadway.
    I Love NYC too !

  5. Debi Says:

    Oh I read the Zion Covenant and Zion Chronicles series over and over when I was younger. I think during my college years. I really enjoyed them. I’m not so much into historical fiction anymore, but they are definitely a great series.

  6. Tonja Says:

    I’m with you on the chocolate and Les Miserables. I saw it in Ny and it was fabulous. Have a wonderful day! Blessings!

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