

Buying blue jeans has always been such a hard thing for me, just can’t find them to fit like I think they should. I usually end up trying on about 37 of them and then get none…..occasionally I’ll buy some only to get them home and decide they don’t fit right after all. A few weeks ago when I was in Charlotte visiting daughter K we went shopping one afternoon at Kohl’s. She was looking for clothes for Katelyn but I begged, pleaded sweetly asked her to help me find some jeans. She is a much better shopper than me and is usually very good at knowing what looks good on me, what style to look for, etc. E won’t usually do this as much for me/with me (she might be more indecisive than me if possible!) and I haven’t had an opportunity to shop with SK in quite some time. So I knew I better take advantage of my shopping time with Kat. I did end up having to try on quite a few jeans but I bought 2 pair! 2 pair that actually fit and feel good! They were short enough to not need hemming, boot cut (which always helps me!) and a little bit lower rise. Plus they came from Kohl’s so they were affordable at about 17 or 18 dollars, gotta love that. I’ve been wearing them almost daily since then! New jeans……now that can make you feel pretty good! Or at least it does me! Guess I need to attain to something important now.

“As long as I can have you here with me………”

I’ve given you most of it, got it by now?

14 Responses to ““But it don’t sing and dance and it don’t walk””

  1. Stacy Says:

    Nary a clue on the title or song or song lyrics, but yeah on finding new jeans! I found 2 pair in Kohl’s last fall that fit me really well too, and those are the only ones I wear. Of course, they’re a bit tighter since the holidays and our over-eating extravaganza that was our Super Bowl party, but hey, we won’t go there 🙂

    That was sweet of Kathryn to go shopping with you!

  2. Vader's Mom (the other Stacy) Says:

    Yeah! I hate jean shopping. I have to take hubby with me. He can’t shop for him, but he can sure pick out good clothes for me 🙂

  3. Dawn Says:

    ::sings along::
    as long as i can have you here with me, i’d much rather be forever in blue jeans…

  4. Nancy Carson Says:

    I am with you, I hate jean shopping too! How lucky to find two pairs… that is a blessing indeed!

  5. jen Says:

    I love jeans that is all I wear except for velor jumpsuits. I have like 10 pair of jeans and wear all of them. Good for you for buying 2 new pair.

  6. Claire Says:

    Im falling behind on the songs…just don’t know them! Glad you found jeans…I don’t like shopping for those either!…and Yes, my birthday is today. A day of studying, but none the less, my birthday!

  7. Gail Says:

    “Money talks, it don’t sing & dance & it don’t walk, as long as I can have you here with me, I’d much rather be forever in blue jeans”

    Neil Diamond, Forever in Blue Jeans……oldie but goodie!

    Happy Birthday Claire! (The song is just a bit before your time!)

  8. Becky Says:

    Oh I loathe jeans shopping. I’m working on loosing all my post baby weight…I know it’s been a year! But, it is slow coming off and I can not for the life of me find a good pair of jeans. I love Kohl’s and can’t believe I haven’t looked for jeans there, duh!! 🙂 Have a great day…nice to see you back. Did you enjoy your time away?

  9. Suzanne Says:

    so where’s the photo?

  10. Dianne Says:

    I have a hard time with jeans too. Clothes period in fact. But I recently bought a few pair from eBay believe it or not. If I know my size, make and style, I have pretty good luck. Didn’t pay more than $10 for any of them either.

  11. Lynne Says:

    I hate having to buy new jeans. Most of the styles are designed for the young flat-tummy set. I, being not as flat-tummy’d as I would like and being of more advanced years, can’t wear what’s out there. And I’m really not ready for the all-round elastic sit-above-your-belly-button styles designed for the more mature set. I have been able to find a couple of pair at a Liz Claiborne outlet that aren’t too bad.

  12. Judi Says:

    I’m with Suzanne….where’s the photo! What kind of jeans are they? I can’t usually wear Lee’s or Levi’s. For some reason they don’t fit my body right. But I have a Kohl’s near me so I may have to go check out the selection.

  13. Susanne Says:

    Send her my way so she can give me a hand too! Like Judi I cannot wear any Levi’s. I’ve tried every version they have. And sigh, I don’t have a Kohl’s.

  14. Rona Says:

    My ‘perfect’ jean is made by Eddie Bauer.

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