

A few weeks ago I received some patterns in the mail from Barb for making these Christmas ornaments. She very kindly offered to mail them out to people that wanted them and she had quite a few takers. The Santa star ornament caught my eye and I thought how cute it would be to do some for my daughter who doesn’t have many Christmas ornaments/decorations at the moment and of course I would do one for the little ones in the family too! I’m very impressed that Barb made like 150 something of them! She started early on hers I think and I did a few the past week or so; they are not too hard to make but they do take some time…..little corners to sew, pivot around, then turn and stuff and add all the things that make it a Santa face! I had thought I would make a few dozen but so far have only done 8 and those are now gone to E and the little ones. So I might have to do a few more so I can have something new for my tree. I may not have started them if I had known it would take me so long to finish but I’m glad I did them and really do want to make a few more. And if I do say so myself, I think they turned out cute! I’m kinda proud of them!
“He’s making a list and checking it twice”…………… are my “Santa stars”
Thanks Barb!

6 Responses to ““Santa Claus is Coming to Town””

  1. Dianne Says:

    OH so cute! I just love these little guys.

  2. Barb Says:

    Well, look at you, Gail! They’re adorable. Weren’t these just so much fun to make? I’m sure E was thrilled when you gave these to her. But make some for you. I did make a lot of them – 153 to be exact – and both my daughters were thrilled when I told them they could take as many as they need to give as token Christmas gifts to all their friends and coworkers.

    I did them strictly in an assembly line. Somehow that made it seem to go faster.

    You did a great job. I love the fabric you chose. I hope the angel I chose for next year’s ornament comes out half as cute as these little guys. 🙂

  3. Stacy Says:

    Cute! You’ve been busy!!! Love the patterned fabric the best, very cute 🙂

  4. Dawn Says:

    So cute and adorable. Your daughter will be sooo happy. I love Chirstmas memories and just think every year when she decorates her tree, she’ll think of you with each one she places on her tree!

  5. Gail Says:

    Hey thanks everyone! I should have put in the post that I was using fabric that I already had on hand….it seems like I just keep accumulating fabric but never quite sew it all up. Isn’t that what you are supposed to do?! The patterned one was my favorite too and I’ve had that fabric for quite some time. The green was left over from curtains we did for the dorm for K one year and the red was what I used to make E’s curtains for her dorm! So she got all the red ones and I told her about the fabric so she would know it was something of hers.
    Now I’ve got to make me a few!

  6. Tammy Says:

    Those turned out adorable! 😀

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