

I got tagged by my sister Stacy last week to do this meme. This one involves memories and even though I think I’ve always thought I had a good memory, when it comes to childhood memories, I’m not so good at all! Stacy & I are alike in that way, we don’t remember much of our childhood. Some of my answers could be similar to hers….surprise, surprise! But I might put a little different spin to a couple; so here goes…….

1. Favorite memory of your mother? It’s really hard for me to remember something from my growing up years; like Stacy, I remember that my mom would drink coffee and work crossword puzzles in the morning. She liked to wear short snap up robes and I remember she was in those most mornings. I think what I will say that I remember fondly happened about 4 1/2 years ago. She had to miss 2 weddings of grandsons in 2001; she was still recuperating from being so sick in the hospital with chronic pulmonary disease. My son Trent and my nephew got married in the same month. The next year Kathryn was getting married and Mom was determined not to miss another wedding. She was so excited to get help buying a dress and coming here to see us and being able to be at Kathryn’s wedding. I think she loved everything about it and enjoyed it all. So I remember her dress, her excitement and her being able to be at a wedding of one of her grandchildren.

2. Favorite memory of your father? My Dad has been a hard worker all his life I think so I remember that if he wasn’t at work, he would be working in the yard mowing or tinkering with tools or cars etc. Since I did a later memory of Mom, I’ll say that recent memories of him are ones of him taking care of her after she got sick. He did a lot for our mom and ran errands for her. When they got ready to come here for the wedding, he even took her to the beauty shop in my town for her to get her hair done beforehand! He waited with her until she was done and then brought her back. The hairdresser told me later how sweet she thought that was and how kind he had been. I think it was a special time for both of them because they hated missing the other weddings.

3. What one skill would you like to wake up tomorrow and be able to do (though you’d never learned it)? This one is a little easier!
Play the piano, and sing like nobody’s business!

4. Which one of your dreams has come true? Getting married and having a wonderful family! Don and all of the kids & little ones are just the best, true blessings from the Lord.

4 Responses to “Tagged!”

  1. Suzanne Says:

    And remember, I bought that dress for Dodie……..she thought it was so pretty !

  2. Gail Says:

    I did remember, and she loved it.

  3. Stacy Says:

    Good ones Gail, I’m glad you played along. She did love that dress, and I believe it’s still at Daddy’s house. I made a point for him to save it, and I think it’s still there. 🙂

    I know why you want to sing like nobody’s business – so you can be a backup singer to you-know-who!!!

  4. Dawn Says:

    Ok I want to know who you want to be a backup singer for….haha

    What sweet memories. So glad I came by today to say hi. That was just so sweet and special about your mom 🙂 And your dad’s memory just brought tears to my eyes. How bless ya’ll were:)

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Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes