

On Wednesday I went to get the 2 skin cancer places taken off; one on my arm and another on my back. They are now gone! I guess I should have taken a picture of it before I had it done because it didn’t look nearly as bad as it does now! Got some shots at the two spots, to deaden it; which hurt worse this time than when I had the biopsy done…..Don said she stuck me a bunch of times but I couldn’t look. (I think I know that I don’t like needles!) She cut and scraped on it, then started doing something that I had no idea what it was but it smelled like something burning! She cauterized it & that is the technical term I suppose, but we’ve just been saying that I got burned! I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything like that before and now the place is bigger than it was before! I hope it gets smaller and fades with time.

I am supposed to keep it covered and with medicine stuff on it for about a week. I can do the one on my arm but can’t reach the one on my back. Asked E to take off my band-aid on my back, put stuff on it and put a new band-aid back on & she made a face & didn’t want to! Gee thanks, I can tell she really loves me! She did agree to do it when I suggested putting the ointment on the bandaid & then put it on my back but we got busy so just waited for hubby to get home and do it for me. So I have a couple of pics of the one on my arm……………they are below if you want to see.

Before I took bandage off……………..

ok and ewww, it looks so much worse now than before I went in to get it done! E said, “it looks like someone burned you with a cigarette and I coulda done that for you!” Silly girl. It was just a small pinkish dot on my arm before the Dr. did anything.

And, I’ve been singing this song for a week or more! Because I’ve been listening to it in my car a lot and I think it’s on my ipod too……..do you know it? I think I want to rent and watch the movie again because I’m listening to the cd so much! Gave you a long line in the title, won’t be hard to find if you don’t know it!

5 Responses to “Wave your little hand & whisper so long dearie…….”

  1. Stacy Says:

    Ick, it looks bad, definitely worse than just the cancer spot itself. But, it will heal and probably all go away and then maybe the cancer will go away and you won’t have any more. Better to get them off, even though I know it must have hurt and it must be icky to deal with them. E better start helping you with the one on your back, if not — kick her to the curb! 🙂

    Hope they feel better soon!

  2. Stacy Says:

    P.S. I don’t know the song, could Google or Blingo it, but haven’t. Is it one I would know, must be a show tune and I wouldn’t know it 🙂

  3. Gail Says:

    Show tune but probably more familiar as a movie tune! We must get you fixed up with some movie musicals!

  4. Stacy Says:

    OK, do you have a movie I can borrow? What about Hook, you were going to look for me. And whatever this one is, I have no idea though!


  5. kelli Says:

    Gosh, I hope it doesn’t hurt much. It will look better soon I’m sure!

    I racked my brain on the song, but finally had to google it! You really got me on that one! 🙂

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