

I found this and wanted to share it………………I have really been into You Tube lately! Have seen it lots of places, have had people email me with stuff to watch on it and now I’m putting it up here. I’ll have to email it to my kids because they probably won’t see it on here! But I thought this was funny and thought some of you might like it as well. The hubby liked it too, but we tend to like comedy. I’ll put it on the extended page:

This is still all new to me; I think click the button in the middle to play!

2 Responses to “Funny Video”

  1. Stacy Says:

    I’ve seen this on several blogs and had never watched the whole thing. Had tried once before and only made it through about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, but since it was YOU, sister dear, I sat through the entire six minutes.

    OK, now back to our regularly scheduled programming! 🙂

  2. Suzanne Says:

    I played it yesterday to myself, and just shared with some other managers who needed a lift. They is too funny. They wanted to know how to access this themselves? url or something please ?!

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