

10 things that remind you of your mother
This will be hard to think of and do since my mom is gone now but here goes:

1. Coffee-she drank it every morning for most of her life and I never really learned to even halfway like it until after she died.
2. Crossword puzzles-she loved them and worked them all the time!
3. Short housecoats-they snapped up the front and she called them dusters I think!
4. Pimento cheese-she made the best!
5. Wheel of fortune-she used to love to watch it on tv. Kathryn told me recently that she remembered that about Dodie too and watching it with her.
6. Bridge-when I was a child she used to love to play and would do so weekly sometimes.
7. The beauty shop-she HAD to go once a week and get her hair done! She didn’t feel right if she didn’t get to go.
8. Computer & emailing-She loved both of these later in her life and was on the computer every day.
9. Recipe cards & notepads-she gave both to me all the time and she used these herself! The kind of notepads that had a magnet and you could hang on the fridge. Now Stacy gives them to me!
10. Cigarettes-I hesitate to mention this one but she smoked most all her life and for as long as I can remember, so it is probably one of the strongest memories I have.

Bonus one: Reading– she loved to read more when I was younger and that is probably part of where I got my love of reading from too.

4 Responses to “Ten on Tuesday Meme”

  1. Stacy Says:

    OK, I was working on this one, and then I thought, I wonder if Gail is doing this meme today. Well, of course, you were, great minds think alike and all. The ones I had typed up, every single one of them is on your list! I won’t post mine now, since they could very well be almost identical. I didn’t put bridge, but I don’t think she played that much once I had come along. 🙂

    Good one, all very true and what I remember about her as well 🙂

  2. Suzanne Says:

    I have one more
    Scrabble………she loved it and beat us every time !!
    Now I love to play too. !

  3. Gail Says:

    Scrabble, good one….I love it too!
    Yep, she beat us all the time.

  4. Elena Says:

    Your mom sounds like she was a lot of fun. What wonderful memories you have. How I wish I could interest my 80 yr. old mother in computers and emailing. I have a notebook computer that I’d give her! LOL

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