

In the last few days to a week I have seen at least 4-5 reports about AI on tv and the internet, all were talking about the fact that the show seemed to be bigger than ever and I think it has surprised them all. Everyone thought the show would have lost some momentum by now, me included. I’m not sure what keeps people coming back to it each season with more and more viewers. Maybe it’s all the stuff that goes on with the judges and all the reports of not getting along; and I have to sometimes think that part of that is staged so that people will be more interested in the show.

I think it is a foregone conclusion that Chris will win the show; I’ve been saying since the beginning that I think they desparately want a guy to win this season, I’ve even seen Randy on other tv shows saying over and over that a boy will win this year! Chris has done well with his songs on some occasions and I like him, but also from early on, I have liked Katharine. I think she has done well, improved and for the most part gives more consistent performances; maybe part of it is more of what I like to listen to—when Chris seems to shout his songs on the harder rock stuff, I don’t like it as well and I think he didn’t do as well on his second song last night. But I just have to say, Katharine’s second song was the best! I wasn’t familiar with the song but thought she sang it so well and the performance was so good! I hope she’s not the one to leave tonight, she may not win but I hope to see her up toward the end of the show!

One Response to “American Idol”

  1. Stacy Says:

    Hey – I agree with most of what you wrote, and probably could have written half of it exactly the same way (you know –> great minds think alike!!). I saw the same talk show where Randy Jackson said 4 or more times that he “thinks” it is a guy’s time to win. And as much as I like Chris and hope he wins, I am starting to think that Taylor might have a chance. He appears to have a large fan base, and I know that we really love him. I would probably be more inclined to buy his album than Chris’s, even though I love Chris and certain songs he does, I’m afraid an album of his might contain more songs I don’t like than I do like. Either way, I’m sure they will influence it for a guy to win however they can. Still, I have to hope that the voting is legit, and America can actually decide.

    Tim really likes Katharine too, and she’s growing on me. Once Mandisa was voted off, she was my favorite of the girl singers. She definitely has a great voice and you can tell she’s had more training than a lot of the other contestants. I might be more inclined to buy her type of album, as well.

    I used to think it was going to be Mandisa vs Chris in the finale, but now I’m not sure. I’d be happy with a Chris vs Katharine or a Taylor vs Katharine at this point.

    As an aside, I’m really enjoying Carrie Underwood’s album, and I have high hopes for a second album from her. I think it might be a little more “country” and hopefully more of her sound. This one is good though, and I listen to it every day or so. I really like it, and her voice. 🙂

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