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DVD - Dukes of Hazzard

We rented this to watch over the Christmas/New Years break. Tim had really been wanting to see this, and when we rented it, neither of us noticed that the copy we got (the only one left in the rental store) was an Unrated version. As we were watching it, it became very apparent. The language was atrocious, there was a section of what I would call "gratuitous nudity" (women bouncing around topless, for no reason), and it was just generally raunchy. The regular version may be better than this, but we won't be renting it to compare.

I didn't particularly enjoy this movie, but then again, I didn't expect to. Tim, on the other hand, was really looking forward to it (having loved the old TV series) and he was very disappointed in it. He said he would rate it a 3 out of 10. So that's what we're rating the UnCut version of Dukes of Hazzard.

P.S. Tim said that the only reason it gets 3 out of 10 for him is because of the car chases - it had good car chases and he enjoyed those!

Added: January 4th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 906


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