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Book - Home to Harmony by Philip Gulley

This review covers all the books in this series that I am reading. Currently, I have either checked out of the library or completed three in this series, and plan to read all that I can (all that my library has available!). The first book I read was "Home to Harmony", the next "Just Shy of Harmony" and the current one I have checked out is "Signs and Wonders".

These books are written by a Quaker pastor in the midwest, and are fictitous accounts of a Quaker pastor and his family, the local townspeople, and his quirky yet lovable congregation in the town of Harmony, Indiana. These books are fairly similar in style and quaint small town charm as the Mitford books by Jan Karon, all of which I have loved.

These books are exceedingly clean, charming, funny, down to earth, and are almost like little books within themselves. Especially the first one, Home to Harmony. Each chapter was like a separate little story, and each had a tenet or belief or scripture passage to highlight, and a point to make. In the first book, the writer is really laying down the characters and the town, so in the following books, they do flow more and read more like a big story, rather than small vignettes. I have enjoyed both ways, and I enjoy the characters and the stories he is telling.

Good books and I recommend them to anyone wanting something quaint, old-fashioned, and charming to read.

Added: August 25th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: Philip Gulley's website on the Harmony series
Hits: 1035
Language: catala


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