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DVD - Coach Carter

Tim and I rented this movie this past weekend and watched it. I remember when it came out at the theatre, but didn't think it did that well. I didn't really know what to expect.

I must say I was actually surprised and I really enjoyed this movie. The language and setting (inner city, very poor area with drugs) were a bit on the rough side, but that is to be expected with the premise of the movie. It's based on a real-life situation that happened, and I always enjoy movies like that more. Samuel L. Jackson did a good job I thought, and of course, we loved the way he portrayed this real-life tough disciplinarian. I think the world could use a lot more Coach Carters these days!

We really liked this one, and it was definitely the pick of the 3 we rented this weekend. :)

Added: August 4th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 929


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DVD - Coach Carter
Posted by suzanne on 2005-08-04 17:45:33
My Score:

Yep, saw this one too and I really enjoyed it. I loved the story and what he did for the kids. SKP

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