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DVD - Million Dollar Baby

When this movie first came out at the theatre, I had no interest at all in seeing it. I thought it was "just" a movie about a girl boxer. Then, it got so much critical acclaim, was nominated for and then won so many of the big Oscars, that I changed my mind and decided we would probably rent it when it came out.

So, we rented it yesterday and watched it this afternoon. I now see why it was nominated and won. A very good and powerful movie. I laughed, I cried, I was moved, I was saddened, I thought about things. All signs of a really good movie. There were parts I didn't like, and since I don't want to give anything away for those of you who have not seen it, I'll not elaborate on those. Suffice it to say that I thought all 3 main actors gave strong performances (Clint Eastwood, Hillary Swank and Morgan Freeman), but Morgan Freeman was my stand-out favorite. I thought he was great and his voice-overs lent a tremendous amount to the movie.

Tim rates it a 6 and I rate it an 8 or 9. So, I'll list this one as a 7, a true compromise! A definite rental, but one we won't buy.

Added: July 24th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 2023


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