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DVD - Miss Congeniality II

We rented this movie over the weekend from Blockbuster with a "rent one, get one free rental" coupon. Gotta love those coupons! :)

I thought this movie would be similar to the first, and used that as a measuring stick for what I expected out of the sequel. I was not disappointed, except I must add I was a little bit surprised. I actually think it's probably better than the first one overall.

Sandra Bullock is back as Gracie Hart, the beauty queen and William Shatner are back (Shatner is the pageant emcee). New and a welcome addition is Regina King as an FBI bodyguard/pal of Grace Hart.

General Plot: Gracie is the new face of the FBI. Her beauty queen friend and Shatner the emcee are kidnapped, and it's up to the FBI and company to find them before they are killed. Gracie is supposed to just do PR, in her role as the new face of the FBI, but wants to be taken seriously as a field agent again, and plots to rescue her friends, with a little help from some other friends.

The movie was fairly clean, and pretty funny and even heartwarming in spots. I actually enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. Shows you what expectations and preconceived notions say about a movie! :)

Added: July 18th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 765


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