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Movie - Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith

Much better than the Episodes I and II. It was a bit disjointed in the movement of Anakin from Jedi to Sith, but overall much more fluid than the dialogue and development has been in other Star Wars episodes. The opening script was the worst one of the six though I thought - it read like he wrote it the night before the movie opened. However, Lucas ties up all the loose ends fairly well, and the special effects are incredible as usual. His philosophical/religious themes are interesting but a bit confused here and there. Overall, one of the best episodes I thought.

Added: July 16th 2005
Reviewer: Trent Barger
Hits: 1690
Language: catala


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Movie - Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Posted by Trent on 2005-07-22 01:53:12
My Score:

maybe 4 stars

Movie - Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Posted by shammons on 2005-07-18 19:14:57
My Score:

I agree Trent! Thanks for entering a review, I thought I had already entered one for this much anticipated movie for me. This one and Batman Begins are my favorite movie of the summer.

I agree with what Trent said. Anakin's path to the dark side is a bit disjointed and not as developed as I would have liked, but I do like how they portrayed him being manipulated and deceived on his path. The special effects were fantastic. It makes it hard to go back to the original DVD, which came out in 1977, and watch those special effects!

The best part of the movie for me was tying everything up. I wanted the transition from older trilogy to new, and wanted to see what happened to all the characters. I was NOT disappointed. Excellent movie, and definitely the best of this new triology.

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