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Movie - The Interpreter

We watched this movie while on vacation this summer in Washington DC. Tim wanted to go to the theatre across the street to see "War of the Worlds", but I'm doing a Tom Cruise boycott of this movie. So, we compromised and ordered an in-room movie of "The Interpreter" with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn.

We knew the premise of the movie and it was fairly predictable. Tim figured it out pretty quickly and therefore he didn't enjoy it quite as much. :) I thought it was a little on the slow side, but I still enjoyed watching it.

It didn't have much violence, except a bit at the beginning, and I don't remember the language being particularly bad. Overall, it was a decent movie, a decent rental, but nothing we would ever buy. We rate it about a 5 or 6 on our 1-10 scale.

Added: July 7th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 790
Language: catala


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