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Movie - Mr. and Mrs. Smith

We went to the theatre recently to see Mr. And Mrs. Smith (part of a double feature Saturday; we also saw The Longest Yard). There is so much hype around this movie because of Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. The previews were great, but the movie had a hard time living up to it. It was a good movie, don’t get me wrong, entertaining, fun, funny, and the stars have pretty good chemistry. I think I was just expecting more. We both enjoyed it though, and would recommend it. It was really pretty clean, the violence was not graphic or gory in any way, and it was entertaining. It would be a really good rental this fall or winter. We rate it about a 7 on our 1-10 scale.

Added: June 26th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: IMDB listing for this movie
Hits: 876
Language: catala


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Movie - Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Posted by Suzanne on 2005-07-25 10:09:04
My Score:

I loved this movie..........it was funny, well done, I love the high tech stuff, and I think they worked well together in the movie. I recommend it for light summer fare..............we might own this one. Good to get your mind off things. Loved it.

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