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Book - Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes

I checked this book out of our library after seeing it posted on someone's blog that they were reading it. It looked like typical "chic lit" that I like to read - light, entertaining and not trying to teach me anything or make me explore different opinions or feelings. :) I had never read anything by this author, and she seemed like a more modern version of Maeve Binchy, an Irish writer I really like.

This book started slow and drug quite a bit through the middle. I very nearly gave up, but persevered, and finished it last night. I did enjoy it, but it was a bit slow and tedious in parts. I liked the plot - modern career girl (magazine editor) in London thinks she is on the fast track to a promotion in New York, only to find that she's being shipped off by her media conglomerate bosses to head up a new start-up magazine in Dublin, Ireland. With very little budget, very little resources, all new people, a new culture, and some baggage she has, she heads off to start on this new path. She is in the middle of a divorce and finds that many people around her are having relationship crises as well. The book follows the editor and several other characters, and it does tie most of them up nicely at the end (which is a must for me!).

It wasn't the worst book I have ever read, nor the best. Somewhere in the middle to low ranks. I didn't like some of the language and references, but that is to be expected with most mainstream fiction these days, and I tend to just ignore it (or read Christian literature). This book may not be the best from this author, and I might give her another chance one day. But, in the mean time, I have too many other books I want to read, by authors I know I enjoy, and many others I want to try, before I will go back and try another one by this author. Maybe next time, one of her other books will be a little faster paced. :)

Added: June 16th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: Amazon listing and reviews for this book
Hits: 1067


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