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DVD - The Aviator

We rented this a couple of weeks ago and had pretty high hopes for it, considering all the Oscar buzz earlier this year. However, contrary to many of your opinions I'm sure, we didn't think it was all that great. It was a decent movie, in that we didn't know that much about Howard Hughes and were interested to learn about this time in history. I'm a huge aviation and astronomy nut, so I was hoping for more.

This movie was ok, but a couple of points bothered us. Number one, for me (it didn't bother Tim), I had a hard time picturing Leonardo diCaprio as Hughes. I just didn't seem like a fit, very forced to me. The things that really bothered us though were 1) the language and 2) the tiny bits of perversion scattered here and there. Most notably in the opening scene. They just didn't sit well with us. I'm sure they wouldn't bother most people, but I'm a bit of a prude about certain things. I know Hughes was eccentric, I know he bordered on OCD, and I'm sure that's the point they were trying to make, but a couple of those things really bugged us (or me).

Believe it or not, we enjoyed some of the extras more than the actual movie itself. (The actual movie was really long, right at 3 hours, by the way). We really enjoyed the do*****entary on extras DVD from The History Channel. We thought it was better than the movie!

Added: June 9th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 864
Language: catala


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