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Movie - Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

OK, we went way back when, in late May, when the movie first came out. I've been terribly remiss the past few weeks about entering reviews for movies we have seen and rented, and even the books I've been reading. Sorry!

You will get a total and complete biased opinion from me on this movie - I loved it. I knew I would love it. I love all of them, albeit some more than others. This one was the real thing for me - it tied everything up and binded the first and second trilogies together. It had everything I wanted in a movie, good action, a little romance, great special effects, and it left me satisfied with the plot tie-ups and tie-ins.

My only dilemma now is the DVD - we own Phantom Menace on VHS, Attack of the Clones on DVD. Do I replace Phantom Menance now, and then buy the Sith DVD when it comes out (presumably by Christmas)? Or do I wait and hope they come out with a boxed set of this first trilogy? Opinions? Suggestions?! :)

Added: June 9th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1898


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Movie - Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
Posted by Trent on 2005-07-22 01:51:48
My Score:

boxed set - hands down - if you have a missing DVD

Movie - Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
Posted by Gail on 2005-06-13 06:58:45
My Score:

That is a problem! Do you like to have boxed sets rather than the individual ones? And if so, it might be good to get the boxed set, especially if it has any extras included that you might not have on the individual dvd's. Or, you can go ahead and get it on dvd when it comes out, if they don't advertise a set at the same time, to be sure you get it....and then later if they come out with a boxed set, buy it and sell your individual dvd's like on ebay or something! That might be a good option. Hopefully when this one comes out, you will know if they are going to offer a boxed set or not.

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