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Book - Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas & Micah Sparks

I checked this book out from the library on a Tuesday and had it completely read by Wednesday night. I absolutely could not put it down. It appealed to me on so many different levels - I love reading about characters and getting to know them and follow along in their life (in this case, it's a true story about Nicholas Sparks and his family). And I love reading about places that I will probably never travel to. Sort of a travelogue. Except in this book, both of these were honest-to-goodness true life stories.

I have always enjoyed Nicholas Sparks books, but this one was probably one of his best (except maybe for The Notebook). I definitely know that I will never read another of his books the same way, or view him in the same light, after reading this honest rendition of his life.

In "Three Weeks with My Brother" he chronicles a 3-week around the world trip to incredibly exotic places (like the Australian Outback, the Killing Fields in Cambodia, near the Arctic Circle in Norway, on Easter Island in the South Pacific, at Macchu Picchu, the Taj Mahal in India and the list goes on) that he took a couple of years ago with his older brother Micah. Interspersed with the travel dialogue of their trip (sometimes he sounds like a tour guide, sometimes he sounds like a kid on vacation with his brother, "this is sooo boring") is the story of his life. It's a back and forth sort of thing, but it didn't bother me in the least. Actually, it reminded me of "Lost", how they are telling a current story and mixed in are the flashbacks.

Anyway, he recounts his life growing up, and talks of the relationships he had with his parents, both individually and as a team, with his brother and with his sister. Later, as he marries, he talks often of his wife and their five children, including one who has special needs. It's a wonderful glimpse into someone's life, someone who I thought was just a writer, someone who experienced so many interesting, funny, tragic and compelling things in his life thus far. It completely grabbed me and I just could not put it down. I give this book the highest rating possible, and give it my most heartiest recommendation. Read it, I think you'll like, if not absolutely love it. Enjoy!

Added: June 2nd 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: Excerpt of book from Author's Website
Hits: 1942
Language: catala


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