This has been on my "might-read" list for a while, and I finally got around to checking it out of the library a couple of weeks ago. It started off a bit slow, but then really picked up towards the middle, and I had a hard time putting it down towards the end. One thing that threw me, I think, was that the characters were named Nanny, Mr X, Mrs X and and Grayer. Took a bit of getting used to!! :)
Overview: Nan is a nanny to a Park Avenue 4 year old, Grayer. Grayer's father is a workaholic who doesn't want to spend any time with his wife or son. His wife, Mrs X, is a neurotic woman who is more interested in shopping, having her nails done, and finding ways to try to lure Mr X home to her, than she is in spending a moment with her son, or even treating the help with any decency or respect. Nan is just trying to pay the bills to finish her senior year at NYU and get her thesis done. The two authors are former nannies themselves, and as horrid as it seems, probably a great big chunk of the book is true. These women probably do treat their nannies and housekeepers this way. It's truly horrendous. One has to feel the most for the child, Grayer, who just wants someone to love him and pay attention to him.