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Book - Blue Shoe by Anne Lamott

I must confess that I really struggled with this book. This is the first Anne Lamott piece I have tried to read, and although I understand it was a bit out of character for her to write this type of book, I must say I am very wary about trying any of her works. However, I did get this one at the library, so I didn't lose anything except my time (and patience)!

Blue Shoe is a weaving, bobbing, quirky, different kind of book. A totally different feel to the writing, one that is foreign to me and therefore was hard for me to get into, hard to stick with, and very unfulfilling at the end. I like clean cut - tell a story, stick to it A-Z (not flitting all over the place back and forth, with no rhyme or reason), and then resolve the story at the end, unless it continues in another book. This book was very frustrating read for me, and try as I might, I did not enjoy it all that much. The characters didn't appeal to me, and the story tried, but failed, to strike a nerve with me.

I'm just really grateful for the Madison Public Library! :)

Added: May 10th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: Amazon listing and reviews for this book
Hits: 1733
Language: catala


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