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DVD - Ray

We had been wanting to rent this for several weeks, especially since Gail and Don had seen it and recommended it. And since Jamie Foxx had won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Ray Charles. But we had not been able to get it the last 3 weekends at our video store - it was always rented out, which is a good sign!

It really was a good movie! We give it an 8 out of 10 on the rating scale. Neither of us knew much about Ray Charles, especially his early life, so we really enjoyed the plot. And, as I'm sure you can guess, Jamie Foxx was just incredible in his portrayal. It was totally uncanny how much he looked, moved, sounded, etc like Ray Charles. Hard to tell them apart at times, I would imagine.

We really enjoyed this one, and recommend it as a rental, good movie!

Added: March 20th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 790


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DVD - Ray
Posted by Gail on 2005-04-02 22:25:34
My Score:

Yep, I thought this was good too and interesting. We really enjoyed watching the extras on the DVD too, which I think anyone should do if they rent it! I thought Jamie Foxx did a great job and deserved the Oscar for it. He had his eyes glued or somehow closed shut for while he was filming the movie, at least he did during the day that he was on set. And they said that he would have to stay like that for like when they broke for lunch, etc, so he really got into the part that way. And I learned a lot about Ray Charles's life also....was glad that he had kicked one habit but very disappointed, but I guess not too surprised, that he didn't seem to give up other women! I think we saw either at end or in extra stuff about how many children he had fathered. This is a good rental and I also recommend watching all the extras when you rent it!

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