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Book - The Testament by John Grisham

Another good book by Grisham that I enjoyed. I liked that he threw in an exotic locale and different peoples/cultures in this one again.

Basic premise to set the stage - Troy Phelan is a multi-billionaire, in his 80's and in a wheelchair. He has several children from three different failed marriages, who each inherited 5 million dollars on their 21st birthday, which they all squandered in record time. They are now eagerly awaiting the old man's death, to find out how much of the vast fortune is theirs for the spending. Troy calls them all together, has a panel of psychiatrists who certify he is of sound mind, then videotapes him signing his last will and testament. The family is excused, and his lawyer stays behind. With the video camera still rolling, Troy states that he has another will, handwritten just this morning, which renders the other will null and void. He signs it, jumps up from his wheelchair, and jumps to his death from the penthouse of his building.

The race is now on to find the sole, previously unheard of, illegitimate child he left his 11 billion dollars to. Seems she is a missionary in the wilds of Brazil, in a swampy area known as the Pantanal. It gets really good from here!

Read it if you haven't read this one. I'd be glad to loan you our copy, provided it's returned in good time :)

Added: March 7th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 2591


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