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Movie - The Phantom of the Opera

This romantic epic is Andrew Loyd Webber's mega musical adapted into a screen film. Disfigured and ridiculed as a boy, the Phantom grows into a mysterious, masked figure who dwells in the undergrounds of a French 19th century Opera House terrorizing the perfomers and administration of the Opera Populaire. Christine is a promising young singer whom the Phantom tutors. He has fallen in love with the beautiful singer; but her childhood sweetheart, the Victome de Chagney, arrives and thwarts the Phantom's plans. Those who have seen the stage version will be elated over how close the two match. Almost to a "T". For one who has not seen the stage play, they may or may not be impressed. Going to see the play in the theater is an experience. Being the very first "big" play I ever saw, I was amazed at the theatrics that able to be created on stage. It was grand and sweeping to see it played out before your eyes. In addition to the story itself, the dazzlying stage effects made me an instant fan. So the movie is satisfying because of the trueness to the play. But on screen, those theatrics aren't able to have the same effect. So, for the audience who may already be wishy-washy, there are no dazzlers to impress; and the movie may not be interesting because of dead time during songs. But for a fan like me, I couldn't have been happier. The story is still touching, the music still beautiful.

Added: February 6th 2005
Reviewer: Kathryn Cole
Hits: 1832
Language: catala


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Movie - The Phantom of the Opera
Posted by Gail on 2005-02-10 21:19:05
My Score:

Very well written, Kathryn! I wholeheartedly agree with what she said.....very good movie, Don and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I thought it told a little more of the story than the stage version is able to do. When we first saw commercials for this, we thought there was no way we would see it. But we did go, and loved it and thought it was a great movie. The music is the same and as beautiful as ever. I am eager to see it again to pick up on some things I might have missed the first time. We have seen the stage version several times, and by the way, I would see it again also! Just in case anyone is interested!

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