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DVD - Napoleon Dynamite

I didn't see this movie myself (except for about 10 tortuous minutes I had to sit in the same room as the movie was playing), so I will defer to Tim and Mark for a more thorough review of this movie.

Mark rented this movie on Saturday and he and Tim watched it (while Amanda and I went shopping!). I don't think either of them particularly enjoyed it. I heard words like "bad" and "stupid" and I generally gathered it wasn't worth the time or money. I'll let Mark and Tim elaborate on that.

Tim said it was basically a movie without much plot. He said the plot seemed to be about a nerd in high school, his grandmother and him trying to get a girlfriend. He also mentioned something about Napoleon's "skills".

Personally, I was really glad to go shopping and not waste my time watching this movie :)

Added: February 6th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 857


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DVD - Napoleon Dynamite
Posted by Trent on 2005-07-22 01:40:44
My Score:

Dorks triumphing! Don't expect anything more or less than the hilarity of the high-school anti-hero finding his way in an isolated retro-pocket of Western America. Laughs all around - nonsensical fun!

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