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Book - Montana Sky by Nora Roberts

Jack Mercy, owner of a 25,000 acre ranch in Montana, has died and his three grown daughters meet together for the first time for the reading of his will. Each are born of a different marriage and they are sisters and strangers to one another. The will states that they must live together on the ranch for one year before any of them can inherit anything. Willa, the only one to know her father, lives and works on the ranch and expects it to be all hers. Tess is a spunky Hollywood scriptwriter who wants money but balks at ranch life. And Lily, on the run from an abusive ex-husband, sees the ranch as a hiding place. As they settle in someone begins to commit acts of horrific violence against animals and then humans. The murder/suspense is balanced with blooming romances, some humor and the majestic scenery of Montana. This is the first book I've ever read by Nora Roberts! I thoroughly enjoyed it as well! It has some twists and turns in it and sort of keeps you guessing until the end on who might be responsible with a twist in that as well. I expected it to be a typical romance novel but didn't realize there would be a mystery involved also; since it's the first thing I've read by her I don't know if that is the usual for her books. It does have some bad language in it with some graphic descriptions of violence along with the details of the romancing going on, which I can tolerate some; but I can only read so many books like that before I want something a little cleaner! But for the most part it was a book I enjoyed reading.

Added: August 28th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 2834


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