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Book - Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Slightly disorganized Annabelle Granger inherits her grandmother's lagging matchmatching business. Tired of being a failure, she renames the business and decides to go after Chicago's hottest bachelor, sports agent Heath Champion, as her first client. She soon begins to introduce him to some very extraordinary women but none of them seem to be up to his high standards. Annabelle & Heath have a combative relationship in the beginning but it soon progresses to more. I had never heard of this book or author before but picked it up randomly off the library shelf one day and was intrigued with the description of it. I read it fairly quickly and found it to be a most enjoyable, light read. It is a modern day story and does have things in it I don't like or agree with (language & sleeping around) but it seems to be the norm among writers these days so I take some of it with a grain of salt. I told Stacy about it as well and thought she would like it too.

Added: August 27th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 2787
Language: catala


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Book - Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Posted by shammons on 2006-08-28 09:52:59
My Score:

I checked this book out of the library in Aug 2006, after Gail had read it and liked it. I also really liked this book. A great read, very easy and light. I think it was a bit predictable, but that's really fine by me most of the time. In the case of this book, not only was it a little predictable, but the ending was happy and I was thrilled with the way the author tied it all up in the epilogue. Good book!

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