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DVD - The Punisher

We rented this movie, along with Raising Helen, this weekend. The jacket on the rental box labeled it as being rated "R" for pervasive violence, so I had my doubts about making it through the whole movie (you know me, the consummate wimp). I started watching, as it was based on a Marvel comic book, but found out just a few minutes in, that it was going to be very violent (I could see what was coming) - so I let Tim watch the remainder of it by himself.

Tim said that it was a pretty good "shoot-em-up, beat-em-up kind of movie". I asked if it was predictable, and he said "yeah, pretty much". He said it was a fairly weak plot, your typical action movie. But, he still enjoyed it, he said. I asked if there was a lot of bad language, and he said "Yeah, the language was not good, and there was nudity in it too". I asked how he would rate it, and he said 5 out of 10. Take that however you want!

Added: November 7th 2004
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 725


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