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DVD - End of the Spear

We rented this movie recently and actually watched it late one night with Tim & Stacy. I don't think it stayed on long in the theaters. It is based on a true story that I have heard about for years and that Don has read a good bit about; Jim Elliot, Nate Saint and 3 other men and their families that were missionaries in the 1950's in Equador trying to reach the Aucas Indians, who are now known as the Waodani tribe. Mincayani is part of this tribe, one of the most violent societies ever to exist, and when the 5 men are speared to death by the Waodani, the men’s wives and children move in with the tribe to teach them about God. This movie is more about Mincayani and Nate & his son Steve Saint and from their perspective than about Jim Elliot, who I was more familiar with. It is an amazing story of what happens between the families and the Waodani after the men are killed by the tribe and about love and forgiveness. It is a very good movie, one that I think anyone should watch. I think Don is wanting to watch it again to get the names and people all straight in it. An interesting tidbit I read about the movie/project: before making the movie, a team travelled to Equador to get permission from the tribe to make the film and the Waodani said no. Steve Saint related to them the story of Columbine and the killing that went on there for no reason & this had an effect on the tribe. They agreed that if their story could help other people stop killing then they would agree to the film.

Added: June 26th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 972
Language: catala


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