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Book - Blue Like Jazz (by Donald Miller)

I hate that I am just now getting around to reading this thing. I actually gave it to someone last Christmas as a gift, but neglected to get myself a copy... The book is filled with amazing stories of how God truly pursues all of us, even if we are not pursuing Him. It also gives some really neat perspective to the depraved state of mankind...i.e., society wasting a great deal of time and effort battling moral issues through legislative platforms when what we are really battling is the sin nature of mankind, which no amount of law can eradicate. The book has a subtitle - Nonreligious thoughts on Christianity. Really made me feel comfortable in my own skin... The website also has a great Derek Webb song at the intro. which nailed me to the floor - and I don't even like Derek Webb... - Jeremy

Added: October 27th 2004
Reviewer: Jeremy Cole
Related Link: Donald Miller's website
Hits: 962
Language: catala


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