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Book - A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury

I got this book from the library in May 2006 and read it fairly quickly. It's a pretty short book, and a quick read.

I’ve read several of Karen Kingsbury's books, and this one was a little different. Good, but different. Most of the books I’ve read of hers have been really good Christian fiction, about common people and common situations. This one was a really clean book, but not what I’d call Christian fiction, in that, it was not “preachy” in any way. In fact, it rarely even mentioned God or prayer or leading a Christian life. But, the characters were very good people, living life to the fullest and experiencing events that changed them.

The basic storyline is about a bullrider on the professional rodeo circuit who falls for a female barrel racer, who (he comes to find out) has a life threatening disease. It follows their careers and relationship, and it was a very quick and easy read.

Added: May 10th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1105


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