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Book - The Summerhouse by Jude Devereaux

I recently checked this book out of the library (it has been on my list for over a year, probably two!). I have read a couple of Jude Devereaux books before and they are always just so-so for me, nothing terrific, but always a good read. This one was no different.

Unfortunately, this book contains a bit of "time travel" and I read it right after I had read "The Time Traveler's Wife", so that sort of soured me to part of the plot. The rest of the book is about a group of 3 women getting back together for a reunion later in life. Another theme of several of the books I have been reading lately, a lot of them! So, maybe those two factors influenced me and I was sort of burned out on those themes before I read this book.

Rather than trying to write a synopsis, I will once again "steal" from Amazon.com and plagiarize a summary of this book:

"What if a woman could go back to the beginning and rethink her choices for love and life? When Leslie Headrick, Madison Appleby, and Ellie Abbott first met, they were in their early 20s and the world lay before them with its infinite possibilities. Now that they're about to turn 40, they reunite for a weekend at a summerhouse in Maine where they share the details of their lives during the past 20 years. Each woman has serious doubts and questions about the path she chose to follow, but none of them suspect the startling opportunity they're about to be offered to relive those choices and change their futures."

Added: May 10th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 848


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