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Movie - Mission Impossible III

Tim and I went with Gail and Don on opening weekend to see this movie (May 2006) at our new theater in Madison. The theater was surprisingly only half full on a Friday night of opening weekend. Apparently, other people decided to skip it because of Cruise's antics of late (like Gail and I wanted to!)

Despite the fact that Cruise is in it, it's a good movie. Decent plot, everything you expect from a MI sequel movie - a really good bad guy in Philip Seymour Hoffman, a lot of the old crew (Ving Rhames in particular), a pretty girl, and of course, Ethan Hunt (Cruise). Lots of action, lots of stunts, lots of cars and things blowing up - all typical MI3. Believe it or not, I actually thought it was the best of the 3 MI movies so far.

We all really enjoyed it and would rate it an 8 out of 10. A good one to see at the theater, a good one to rent on DVD, and we will probably add it to our DVD collection later in the year (since we own the first 2). :)

Added: May 10th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 818
Language: catala


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