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Book - Every Storm by Lori Wick

This is another book by Christain author Lori Wick that is not part of a series. The time period is the mid 1940's, about 2 sisters who have gone to Australia to teach children who live on a ranch. One has to be rescued from a deserted island after a plane crash during the war. She is picked up by a PT boat and taken back to Australia. Her grandfather, an admiral in the Navy, returns her home to California. She has suffered much on the island and needs to mend physically and mentally for a long time. But of course, this is a love story as well! So it's about meeting or re-meeting someone who she falls in love with. This doesn't happen until at least half way into the book; most of the story takes place in California and a lot of it is about her and her family and how they dealt with the tragedy that she had been through. I enjoyed it a lot and it was an easy read; similar to what I usually read, but I enjoy that!

Added: April 18th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 840


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