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Book - One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury

I checked this book out of my local library, after reading some other Karen Kingsbury books, and after a recommendation from Gail. I think she's read every one of her books!

It was a good book, but I think I was expecting more out of it. I thought the plot was a little far-fetched, that it was reaching a little too much. It was entertaining though, and I enjoyed reading it. Kingsbury is a Christian writer, and I always feel touched by her books in some way, no matter the story or subject matter.

This book is a Christian fiction portrayal of two families and how they are affected by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept 11. She did a great job building the characters, and portraying the factual events of the day and the time after 9/11.

I'd recommend this book, if you like Christian fiction and you can take a plot that stretches a little. It was a good read, and I'd give it a 7 out of 10 stars. I'm currently reading the sequel, called "Beyond Tuesday Morning". It seems to be a continuation of many of the same characters, which I very much enjoy.

Added: April 13th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 887


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