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DVD - Crash

We rented this movie a few weeks ago, and I procrastinated on writing up a review of it. I was hesitant to get it, but Tim wanted to, having heard something at work about it. I knew it had a lot of big name actors in it, that it was about racial tension in America, and most importantly that it had won an Oscar.

I was not prepared to really like this movie, but I did. I don't like "preachy" movies, where someone is trying to knock on the door of my social conscience. This one, though, did a good job of what it was trying to say, I think, and how it interwove all the storylines and characters and made us all realize, 1) you can't judge a book by its cover and 2) we're all a part of this great big planet, what we do affects other people.

A good movie, and a good rental. We won't buy it, but I would encourage everyone to at least rent it and give it a try. I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

Added: April 13th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1917


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