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DVD - Lord of War

This was a movie that Tim picked up at the video store. He didn't know anything about it, and since he doesn't read the jacket covers or back of the rental box, he had no idea what it was about. I tried to warn him that I had not heard good things about it, but he got it anyway. I didn't want to watch it, but he laid a thick guilt trip on me (I watch YOUR girl movies with you), so I tried to watch it.

Tried, being the optimum word. I gave up after about 20-30 minutes. It had too much atrociously bad language in it for me, and I just didn't like the content.

I asked Tim after it was over if he liked it, and he said No. I asked him to write a review, and got the same answer. I asked him to rate it and I think he gave it a 2 or 3 out of 10. He apparently didn't enjoy it any more than I did, for the 20 minutes I sat there and tried to watch it.

Two thumbs way down. I would not recommend this one at all.

Added: April 13th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 811


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