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DVD - Return to Me

This is an older movie (about 2000 or 2001) that we had never seen. We bought it off the $7.50 rack at Walmart, after I had read some really glowing reviews at an online site. After watching it, I can say that I agree with all the glowing reviews! It was a really good, heartwarming movie and I'm glad we have added it to our collection.

It stars David Duchovney (X-Files), Minnie Driver (Good Will Hunting), Carrol O'Conner (Archie Bunker!), Jim Belushi and Bonnie Hunt, among others. A really good cast. Except for some bad language from Bonnie Hunt and Jim Belushi's characters, it was a pretty clean movie. I don't want to give anything away, but it's about a chance meeting between two of the characters. I thought it was a really old-fashioned, quaint, charming kind of movie, and I love those kind!

We'd be glad to let any of you borrow our copy, if you'd like to see it! We can arrange to drop it off or mail it to any of you, just let us know!!

Added: October 6th 2004
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 813


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DVD - Return to Me
Posted by Trent on 2005-07-22 01:50:37
My Score:

Sappy but cute romance - feel good movie, worth watching

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