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Book - Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick

I just finished this book by Lori Wick, another Christian writer that I have read before. She usually writes about other, older time periods and has done series of books about pioneers or people from other time periods. But this one is a contemporary story, about a young woman, orphaned in childhood, is a translator, speaks about 5 languages and leaves Chezkoslovakia and her grandmother, to come to America to live as a dream they both had. She is a Christian who struggles to find work and gets led to the home of a man who lost his wife and is struggling to move on while raising 3 children. It follows her story for enough years that the whole story is told in this one book, so no series to read later. I really enjoyed this one as well.

Added: February 9th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 2752
Language: catala


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Book - Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick
Posted by shammons on 2006-11-15 11:00:40
My Score:

I checked this book out of my local library, on the recommendation from Gail. It was a really good book. A bit long and I felt like it sort of dragged part of it out, but it was a good story and well written. Sort of a modern day fairy tale, told from a Christian perspective. As with all of Wick's books that I have read, it ended really well and I was left with a really warm fuzzy feeling of having enjoyed a good book, as well as been uplifted and reminded of things I should remember more often :) I highly recommend this book if you want something light and fairy-tale like, told from a Christian point of view. I rate it an 8 out of 10.

Book - Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick
Posted by shammons on 2006-02-21 20:29:44
My Score:

Sounds like a good one, thanks for adding your review! I will have to add this one to my list. I checked my library's online catalog, and they have this in paperback at the Ridgeland branch, so I'll have to get it sometime. Thanks!

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